Disability Connection


Vine Village

Vine Village

Vine Village’s residential services offer care and support for people with special needs when and where they need it, but we respect their independence when that help is not needed. Vine Village encourages individuality and choice for all of our residents.

Vine Village is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides positive lifestyle choices to people with intellectual challenges.  Located on a beautiful 25-acre ranch just outside the city limits of Napa, California, we recognize that everyone needs balance in their lives between their needs for support and independence, and between the need for safety and belonging, and the need to explore, even to take risks to try new things. We believe that people with developmental disabilities are citizens with the same rights and privileges as any other citizen – roles they can and should assume with support . Our programs address those needs by emphasizing personal development, social interaction, independence and the security of knowing he or she is accepted and valued. People with special needs may participate in Vine Village through one of two programs: Residential and the Vine Village Day Program for the Arts and Agriculture.