Disability Connection


Evergreen Cemetery

Evergreen Cemetery
Evergreen Cemetery

Evergreen is a six-acre memorial park, featuring a tranquil, cedar and oak covered knoll, which is befitting the cliché “Resting in Peace.” The 1850 US Census for Jackson County has a New York born seaman named Daniel Sullivan (b. 1784) residing at Ocean Springs. History relates that Sullivan was the first person to be buried in the new cemetery.  The oldest surviving tombstone is that of I.D. Fuller, Jr. dated 1854.  Some of the earlier families buried at Evergreen are Brad-ford, Davis, and Madsen. The Ocean Springs Cemetery Association was formed in September 1898.

Fun Fact:  The following advertisement was run in The Ocean Springs Record during the month of February 1971:   Advertisement for Evergreen Cemetery:  “A service of the City of Ocean Springs since 1854. Moderately priced burial lots on a beautiful wood knoll overlooking Fort Bayou.  Grave sites at $25 can be combined to form distinctive family burial plots.”



Address:  on the south shore of Fort Bayou in the corporate limits of Ocean Springs.

Directions: From the intersection of Bienville Boulevard (US 90) and Washington Avenue at Ocean Springs, go north on Washington Avenue .09 miles, or about two blocks to Iberville Avenue.  Turn right (east) at Iberville and go .25 miles to Sunset immediately left (north) inside of the sharp curve.  On Sunset, proceed .15 miles northeast to the historic and scenic Evergreen Cemetery on Fort Bayou.

City:  Ocean Springs

County:  Jackson

Open: To the public

Website: www. oceanspringsarchives.net/evergreen-cemetery-ocean-springs

Accessibility:  can be viewed from vehicle or road; no accessible paths to grave markers