Heartwarming Gift Helps Autistic Boy

For many severely autistic individuals like Corbin, iPad apps — including AAC Speech Buddy, Articulate It, MetaTouch, and Scene and Heard, according to the website Autism Speaks —
can be life-changing communication tools.
When Corbin’s iPad came up missing last week, his caregiver, James Freeman, felt that he had to do something to try to help.
“I felt really bad, you know, because that is his world,” Freeman explained in a local KGW TV news story about the theft. “That’s his toy he communicates [with], it’s always glued to his hand, he doesn’t like sharing it with other people, and it just keeps him in his own calmness.”
Charles Turner, a local real estate agent, saw the news story and was so moved by it that he and his family decided to donate 1 of 3 personal iPads to Corbin.
“For me, an iPad is largely a toy and occasionally a business convenience,” Turner told Yahoo! Shine. “To Corbin, it’s a thing of comfort and a communication tool.”