Disability Connection


Supported Employment

Disability Connection (DC) understands the challenges and barriers that people with disabilities have when they are seeking employment in this age of on-line applications. On the positive side, 65% of people with disabilities who work in a competitive setting have been there three years or more, showing they are faithful employees.  Through the Employment Connection Disability Connection has hosted hundreds of people with improved with the tools to eliminate their barriers to employment.

  • 2013-2017…DC hosted the People with Disabilities/Disabled Veterans Job Fair for five years and assisted many veterans in employment success. Disability Connection hosted employment workshops in partnership with the MS Department of Rehabilitation.
  • ..DC directed efforts and resources, and partnered with the community, to improve employment outcomes for people with disabilities including seniors, homeless, and veterans. This included providing some employers with workplace diversity trainings including Sam’s Club and others. This included a multi-board presentation on Disability Etiquette funded by the Walmart State Foundation.
  • ..DC began Entrepreneur Connection to assist individuals with intellectual disabilities in starting their own business. It included basic assistance in business concepts, developing ideas, purchasing, marketing, pricing, and classes such as Jewelry Making, Wreath Making, Gift Baskets, Gift Cards, and cooking classes. Some students were assisted in presenting their product at a craft fair and promoting it through social media and DC’s website.
  • ..DC began Empowering Women to meet employment needs and provide solutions for marginalized women.
  • ..DC assisted over 100 individuals with paralysis with their barriers to employment with help from a Christopher Reeves Quality of Life Grant
  • 2019-present…DC received a License to provide Job Discovery and Supported Employment services through the MS Department of Mental Health. Job Discovery helps to identify the desires of the individual seeking traditional employment or entrepreneurship. Supported Employment provides a Job Coach to facilitate transportation and a smooth transition to employment. DC networks with employers to identify jobs, provide interviews, encourage hiring, and facilitate a long-term employee/employer relationship. Some individuals receive customized employment.

Supported Employment provides a team of professionals to assist individuals with intellectual disabilities in finding and maintaining employment.  SE eliminates barriers through resumes, on-line applications, workshops, clothing, finding jobs, job transportation, and job training. DC has served almost 40 individuals with developmental disabilities through this program.