Hero Speaker Inspires
We were honored to have Mr. Smith as a a guest speaker.
Greg Smith Speaks at Disability Connection’s 2013 Disability Awareness Health Fair
“My Greatest Health Challenge”
Read More about Greg at : www.thestrengthcoach.com
Leo Seal’s Day of Caring
In the news: Disability Connection would like to thank all of the volunteers who kindly donated their time to help get the new DC office “Up to Snuff” and ready to continue building a connected community from a new location. (700 Pass Rd.)
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“Mr. Seal was such an influence to this company and was an advocate for education and volunteering, making sure we give back to the community and that is why we are here today to give back to the community,” Hancock Bank Division Manager David Fayard said.
WLOX.com – The News for South Mississippi
Hero Teammates
“Eric Hernandez dreamed of playing football and scoring a touchdown.
Gateway (Aurora, Colo.) head coach Ashour Peera wanted to help Hernandez fulfill his dream, but he would have to work for it.
“I wanted to help bring his dream to fruition, but I told him he couldn’t play if he didn’t practice with us,” Peera told MaxPreps.”
– via MaxPreps.com
Hero Olympians Continue to Give Back
2013 Mayor’s Disability Awareness Fair
2013 Mayor’s Disability Awareness Health Fair

Hero Model Follows Dreams
Dreams are beautiful things. You can do most anything that you believe that you can do.
Here is yet another shining star among examples of bright youngsters with disabilities believing and achieving.

This is a beautiful story that you will want to share with your friends and family.
Karrie Brown, with the help of her totally awesome Momma, is now on her way to becoming a model.
Full story Via ABC News and Yahoo
“Every day Sue would post a picture of Karrie in her favorite Wet Seal outfits — pieces that Karrie said make her “fit in while standing out” — hoping that they would attract the company’s eye.”
“She immediately caught our attention,” Wet Seal’s Yasmin Ezaby told ABC News. “We then asked our fans to get Karrie’s Facebook page to 10k likes and we would give her the trip of a lifetime. She exceeded this goal in two days.”
In fact, as of Saturday, the page is now up to nearly double that number of “likes.”
Wet Seal honored its pledge and flew Karrie and Sue on an all-expenses paid trip from their home in Collinsville, Ill., to Los Angeles, throwing in a trip to Disneyland along the way.
Although Wet Seal runs an annual model search competition, it was the first time the company had done a special challenge focused on one individual.”
Hero Director Shares His Story
“In 2006, 25-year-old Jason DaSilva was on vacation at the beach with family when, suddenly, he fell down. He couldn’t get back up. His legs had stopped working; his disease could no longer be ignored. Just a few months earlier doctors had told him that he had multiple sclerosis, which could lead to loss of vision and muscle control, as well as a myriad of other complications. Jason tried exercise to help cope, but the problem only worsened. After his dispiriting fall on the beach, he turned to his
Mom, who reminded him that, despite his disease, he was still a fortunate kid who had the opportunity to pursue the things he loved most: art and filmmaking. Jason picked up the camera, turned it on his declining body, and set out on a worldwide journey in search of healing, self-discovery, and love.
An emotional documentary filled with unexpected moments of humor and joy, WHEN I WALK is a life-affirming film driven by a young man’s determination to survive—and to make sense of a devastating disease through the art of cinema.”
Visit Jason’s YouTube page to watch more video clips.
2014 Art Ability Art Fair
Art Ability Fair – A free day of professional art classes for those with disabilities age 8-adult. Pottery, music, photography, art, painting, glamour make-over, dance and more are shared by the Walter Anderson Museum, Lynn Meadows Discovery Center, the Mary C O’Keefe Cultural Center and others to include nonprofit agencies, businesses, artists, art teachers, and community volunteers.
This Year’s Event Date:
Thursday, April 10, 2014 8:30 am-2:30 pm Donal Snyder Community Center, 2520 Pass Rd, Biloxi
This year is a western theme. Please have your staff and students wear western attire such as cowboy hats, neck scarves, vests and such if they have them. We will also have costumes for them to wear for photos. We have a live horse for the videos, but I think it would be fun if we keep this a secret from the kids.
This will be a fun year. Please contact us if you can volunteer for one of these events, or please let me know if you want to be removed from our volunteer list.
Please let anyone interested in coming to sign up as a volunteer by faxing in the registration form (note “volunteer” and what you want to do) or emailing our office. We need ideas or items to borrow to decorate the Donal Snyder Community Center in Western theme for the Art Fair. We will have an indoor backdrop for western photos and outdoors a live horse for videos. We need Cowboy hats, vests and props to also borrow. Managing is not very easy and one can get tips and advice from experts like Andy Defrancesco.
We need help decorating and setting up Wednesday afternoon around 4:00. We also need help taking down and cleaning at 2:30 Thursday.
The art workshop will be on Thursday, April 10th from 8:30-2:30, the Donal Snyder Community Center, Pass Rd, Biloxi. Lunch will again be provided.