Disability Connection


Scenic Drive Historic District

Nearly all of the homes along Scenic Drive have historic architectural characteristics for which they are registered in the National Register of Historic Places. Even though some homes are small and may seem insignificant by comparison to the mansions which are also located in the Historic District, each is treated with equal deference for its preservation of Historic value.  Established ruling guidelines were designed to protect all genuine historic structures from obliteration from their original architectural design.  These homes are regulated by the Pass Christian Historic Preservation Commission and are also monitored by the Mississippi Department of Archives and History.


After 1865, newly erected houses were usually larger and often featured hipped or gambrel roofs with inset dormers.  As years passed, Pass Christian residents showed an increased tendency to hire architects to design or to re-design their homes.  Colonial Revival architecture became popular in endeavoring to be homogenous with the older structures.

Vernacular Greek Revival cottages were indigenous to the entire Mississippi Gulf Coast, both before and after the Civil War.  A typical galleried French colonial cottage was characterized by its “T-shaped” floor plan with a gallery that encircled around the arms of the “T” and the main body of the building.


Settlers on the Gulf Coast developed this method of construction in order to maximize the capture of breezes and to provide ample porch space for escaping the sun’s direct heat during different times of the day.  The fact that this is the very same basic design for Jefferson Davis’ Beauvoir, demonstrates that it was practical for use in mansions as well as smaller cottages.  Although once quite numerous, a large percentage of these houses were prevalent along the Gulf Coast.  Unfortunately, in some situations, architectural heritage has been destroyed or remodeled beyond recognition making the ones remaining both rare and significant. It is for this reason that Pass Christian’s Scenic Drive is unique.


There are more individual homes along the full extent of the Pass Christian Historic District which are listed in the National Registry, than any other community along the Coast.  The original historic values of the “Pass” are subtly preserved from diminution and yet sustained in continued prominence.  Many of the owners have “open house” during seasons of Annual Pilgrimages, thereby bringing back memories of its prime as Queen City of the Coast.


Information provided by:  Dan Ellis http://danellis.net/

Email: danellis@cableone.net

Additional information: http://mansions.passchristian.net

For more information: contact Pass Christian Historical Society

Address: P. O. Box 58

City: Pass Christian

County: Harrison

Website: To View a List of Homes and their information http://passhistory.org/preservation/historic-district