Volunteers Help Veteran Build Ramp

GULFPORT, MS (WLOX) – A Navy veteran was moved to tears Monday when volunteers showed up at his home on 36th Street in Gulfport. John Walker desperately needed a wheelchair ramp for his wife, who’s coming home from the hospital in a few days. He didn’t ask for help. But several organizations decided to team-up to get the project rolling. Volunteers unloaded a pile of lumber as they prepared for a project that will take several days. Mr. John Walker didn’t expect to see the outpouring of support. “Oh, it’s great!” he said with a big smile. His wife of more than 50-years, Kathleen, recently broke her leg. Realizing she needed a wheelchair ramp, the 85-year old man decided to build one himself. “To get her inside easier, and I was even going to put a chain to it to pull it in,” said Walker. The Retired Senior Volunteer Program of Harrison County (RSVP) heard about Mr. Walker’s situation and contacted Disability Connection. “We came and inspected it and it did not look like it was as safe as it should be. It did not look like it would survive long term, so we agreed to basically start over and give him a fresh brand, new ramp,” said Disability Connection Executive Director Janie O’Keefe. The Home Depot donated the materials. Volunteers, like U.S. Army Specialist Kegan Wood, signed-up to help. Disability Connection also offers emergency home repairs and home weatherization for veterans, senior citizens, people with disabilities, and low-income families. Veterans get priority. For more information, you can call the organization at (228) 604-4020 or (228) 870-7775.