The Biloxi Lighthouse tower is owned by the City of Biloxi and is operated as a private aid to navigation. Visitors can climb the lighthouse during scheduled tours. On March 3, 1847, the United States Congress authorized $12,000 for the construction of a lighthouse in Biloxi. The United States Department of the Treasury gave the contract, to Murray & Hazlehurst to build an iron lighthouse for $6,347 on October 15, 1847. The keeper’s house was contracted separately. The Collector at Mobile, Alabama, purchased the site. The tower was completed and placed in operation in 1848. The tower was 45 feet from the base to the lantern room and displayed nine lamps. The lighthouse has been kept by female keepers for more years than any other lighthouse in the United States. The first keeper was Marcellus J. Howard. Mary Reynolds, with a “large family of orphan children” was appointed keeper on April 11, 1854. She remained in service until the U.S. Civil War. Perry Younghans was appointed keeper on November 14, 1866 but fell ill soon thereafter. His wife, Maria Younghans, took over and tended the light. Maria Younghans retired on December 31, 1918 and was replaced by her daughter, Miranda, who remained as keeper until 1929. The Younghans family maintained the light for a total of 63 years. W. B. Thompson then took over as keeper. Although it suffered damages from many hurricanes, it wasn’t until 1969 that was without a keeper to keep the light burning. In 1969 the keeper’s house was destroyed by Hurricane Camille. The Biloxi Lighthouse is now owned and maintained by the City of Biloxi.
To watch a documentary on the Biloxi Lighthouse click here.
Location: The lighthouse is in the middle of U.S. 90 at Porter Avenue, south of the new Biloxi Visitors Center, and just west of I-110 loop and Beau Rivage Resort & Casino.
City: Biloxi
County: Harrison
Phone: 228.374.3105 (For guided tours)
Website: www.biloxi.ms.us/visitor-info/museums/lighthouse
Accessibility Features: Please click here for detailed information. Lighthouse can be viewed from vehicle.