Disability Connection


2015-Gardening from a chair is practical & enjoyable!

Want to make your life a little greener? Start with a garden.  The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation have great adaptive gardening tips for people living with paralysis featured in the Reeve Health Minute series.

For most people, a few simple adaptive practices can make gardening from a chair practical, easy, and highly enjoyable.

Take a look at our gardening videos and see if this is the activity for you.

You’ll get to spend time outside, connect with others, and make sure your meals are full of delicious, healthy fruits and vegetables.

Wendy Crawford, founder of mobileWOMEN.org and the Raw Beauty Project, shares her special adaptive gardening tips in each episode. Running only a few minutes long, each video is packed with great information. Now it’s up to you!

View one video or the whole series:

The gardening series is part of our popular Reeve Health Minute videos. Thousands of people around the world have accessed these videos to learn more about adaptive practices from swimming, to cooking, and improving your mind.

Each episode is full of actionable tips for individuals living with paralysis to improve their health and wellness.

Enjoy the warmer weather and go spend some time outside in the sun.

Happy gardening!

Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation ChristopherReeve.org