Disability Connection


2014 Biloxi Challenger Baseball

Challenger Baseball Logo

For children and adults with mental and physical challenges

•Opening ceremonies are March 22 at 8:30 a.m.

•Games every Tuesday at the A.J. Holloway Sports Complex; 6 p.m. for youth age division and 7 p.m. for adult division.

•Registration is free and uniforms are given to all the players.

•Challenger League is co-sponsored by Little League Incorporated.

•All players will be assisted at the games by players of the Major Little League teams.

To register or for further information

contact Cheryl Bell, Director of Parks & Recreation at 388-7170 or email at cbell@biloxi.ms.us.

Visit us online at biloxi.ms.us/pr

Challenger Baseball Flyer 2014

Child Plays Baseball

2014 Buddy Ball Registration

Buddy Ball

Everyone has the Ability to Play

A Division of Babe Ruth Baseball Inc.
Long Beach Youth Baseball (LBYB)

Child Plays BaseballBuddy Ball is for boys, girls and active adults with intellectual and/or physical disabilities that have the desire to play organized, non-competitive baseball. Each player is assigned a “Buddy” that assists with playing the game.

In Buddy Ball, all players get to hit, all players play the field, all players score, and all players win. Buddy Ball games are 2-3 innings long and last about one hour. Players are assigned to teams based on ability level. Players usually hit off a tee or the coach softly pitches to them. Buddy Ball games are played on Wednesday evenings along with other LBYB league games. The concession stand and restrooms are open and the teams have an umpire for their games. Volunteer Buddies help the players to play the game and parents/guardians/care-givers can sit back and watch. All players get a team uniform. All volunteers get a shirt. Everyone has a lot of fun.


Buddy Ball Volunteers/Players

All volunteer coaches and buddies, ages 18 and older, are required to have a background check. Once approved, they must also wear their LB identification badge when interacting with the players. All volunteers will receive training on how the Buddy Ball game is to be played and how to provide positive interaction with the players. Volunteers should make a concerted effort to attend games in order to ensure that every player has a buddy and consistency of the game is maintained. Volunteers of all ages will be allowed to be buddies as long as the individual is a proactive part of the program. Preferably, volunteers will be about the same age as the player so development of friendships will be promoted. All volunteers must complete a volunteer form and all players (parents/guardians) must complete a registration form.

LBYB BUDDY BALL registration form

Forms may also be picked up and dropped off at the Long Beach Recreation Center on Daugherty Road  Or contact us directly at: Contacts: Mike and Carolyn Crawford 228-860-9055 mikeandcarolyn@bellsouth.net