A Hero in Memory — Jon Eric O’Connor

A hero is gone but never forgotten. Jon O’Conner lived an honorable life and will be missed by many. For those that knew him, he was
“always the most gentle voice in the room — that didn’t mean he backed down or took a back seat –but it had the consequence of him being heard. He cared — he told the truth — he made everyone laugh and feel comfortable.”
Jon was injured in an accidental fall 12 years ago. After his accident he became a “beacon of hope” for all those facing challenges. When asked about his motto he would enthusiastically reply: “It’s Go Forward!”
We invite you to read more about Jon in a letter composed by Peter Wilderotter, President and CEO of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation.
Jon “devoted himself … to improving the lives of everyone living with paralysis” and will always be a hero.